Barcelona-Würzburg Mathematical Physics Factory


Feb 23, 2021 to Feb 24, 2021 (Europe/Madrid / UTC100)

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The next 23rd and 24th of February several members of the lab will take part a joint event with the University of Würzburg, the BAWMAPF. This workshop will be held virtually.

Contact information

The workshop will be celebrated on Google Meet, at

Stefan Waldmann:

Eva Miranda:


February 23rd and 24th. The schedule of the talks is the following:

23 February
Time (CET)
Title Speaker
15:00 Local and semi-global action-angle coordinates in singular symplectic manifolds Robert Cardona Aguilar
16:00 Coisotropic Algebras and a Coisotropic Serre-Swan Theorem Felix Menke
17:00 bm-Symplectic Group Actions: Slices and Reduction Anastasia Matveeva
24 February
Time (CET) Title Speaker
15:00 Deformation and Hochschild Cohomology of Coisotropic Algebras Marvin Dippell
16:00 Geometric quantization via cotangent models Pau Mir García
17:00 Deformation Quantization: From Formal to Strict Michael Heins


Each talk will consist on a 45 minutes exposition followed by a 10 minutes discussion. There will be breaks of 5 minutes between the talks.


23 February

24 February


You can find the abstracts of the talks here.