b-Lab Diary of a confinement: Urs Frauenfelder

Jun 09, 2020

In these days of confinement, work in the lab has not stopped! We are having talks by videoconference, both by members of the lab and by guests.

If a talk interests you and you wish to listen to attend, or if you have a proposal for these talks, please contact the organizer: .

This talk can be followed directly in the following link: https://stream.meet.google.com/u/1/stream/0cb9fe9a-6248-4b8d-86a4-e12cf4ce16d5

Delayed Potentials and Weber's Electrodynamics

Speaker: Urs Frauenfelder

When: Tuesday 30th of June, at 17:00 - 18:00.

Abstract: This is joint work with Joa Weber.

We first discuss work of Carl Neumann from 1868 about a delayed Coulomb potential and its relation to the electrodynamic potential of Wilhelm Weber. Then we explain how Weber's Electrodynamics can be interpreted as a Hamiltonian system and how it is related to Riemannian and Lorenzian geometry. Finally we quantize the system.

Here you can find the slides used in this talk.